
ENGLISH 英語専門窓口


Yoshida Miyuki, Gyoseishoshi Lawyer Office is committed to building STEADY & FAITHFUL relationship with my clients, in order to deliver the best quality service to all clients. And you may receive the service wherever you are.

Do you need the expert in the General Immigration, Family or your Business fields?

To protect your Rights and Duties against disadvantage, please don’t hesitate to approach me, when you meet with any difficulties or before being faced by difficulties.

A Gyoseishoshi Lawyer, Yoshida Miyuki, is an expert in drawing up the document in the administrative affairs. I may assist you in various fields, I am dealing with General Immigration, your business, and Family and childcare related matters.

I am an expert in General immigration, Visas & Work Permits, International Marriage and as a Business partner.

My Office is a SMALL, so I will promise to build Faithful relationship with all clients,
and to deliver the Best Quality service to all clients.
Find more information by Sending e-mail to me freely.

I can assist clients with various legal matters, in preparing Visa Applications.

Extending or Varying(更新・変更)
Work Permit Visa(就労)
Student Visa(留学)
Spouse Visa(日本人の配偶者等)
Family Visa(家族滞在)
Visiting Visa(短期滞在)
Business Visa (管理・経営)
Assisting those that are here illegally or have overstayed to regularize their stay(オーバーステイ等の方のご相談)
Refugee Applications(難民)

I can also assist in making a go of a New Business, in Japan.
Establishing a company(会社設立のお手伝い)
Applying for a business license
Borrowing money from a bank(銀行からお金を借りるお手伝い)
※In addition,please consult about the accompanying to the government office.

Please see 料金表